Quetzalcoatl’s Religion

Quetzalcoatl’s Religion

According to Laurette Séjourné concerning Quetzalcoatl’s religion: belief, myths, hieroglyphs and rituals all point to the fact that the only true god is the Sun: the other entities all appear as simple aspects of this central figure.  This Sun, the only true god, is the Sun behind the sun; the Absolute, the Divine.

She further explains “that the vast poetic construction that expresses Nahuatl thought tirelessly repeats the adventure of the man who becomes the sun .” This refers to awakening the dormant divine spark within our heart—awakening and blossoming the flower of our inner sun. In other words, Quetzalcóatl’s religion and Divine Humanity are the antípodas of all theology in which God is of an essence different from his creature. Furthermore, Quetzalcóatl’s religion and Divine Humanity focuses on practice—not belief or acceptance.

It stands to reason, Quetzalcóatl’s religion was one of transformation through direct experience and self-sacrifice. Thus, our journey is one of personal transformation, awakening our inner sun—our deified heart, our flower heart. “In other words, the true Quetzalcóatl is the individual concerned only with reaching the interior realm where divinity dwells.”

Quetzalcóatl’s message was based on the reconciliation of opposites, which occurs in the heart not the mind. Furthermore, this blending or reconciliation of opposites is the underlying spiritual foundation of Divine Humanity  and Mesoamerican philosophy as in the merging of fire (spirit) and water (matter)—the concept of “burning water.”

In these trying times, Divine Humanity is the present incarnation of Quetzalcóatl’s religion to help birth the Sixth Sun. Divine Humanity and Quetzalcoatl’s religion are one and the same.

Quetzalcóatl’s feathered-plumed serpent religion is the same as Divine Humanity. Both are based on inner purification through the sacrifice of our unhealthy ego or self, the foundational principle of radical nonduality revealed as “burning water”—the blending or permeating of the opposites of fire (spirit) and water (matter), the revelation of our inner divinity, the divine spark within our heart and the awakening that allows the body to bud and blossom, the heart as a symbolic flower – flower heart, the overarching power of love, compassion, and peace, balance and purity, the quincunx design, and the intimate connection with Venus. Interestingly, the planet Venus does not twinkle like other stars, but instead glows with a steady, silvery light.  Considering the preceding, it is easy to see that our purpose on earth is to become a feathered-plumed (divine) serpent (human), a Quetzalcóatl. And this is vividly portrayed in the meaning of the Nahuatl word Teotihuacán—“City of the Gods.”

Quetzalcóatl – the Morning Star brought a “path and way” to supersede the bi-polar opposites of earth and heaven, spirit and matter. As the avatar and nahual of Quetzalcóatl, I am destined this lifetime to bring back Quetzalcóatl’s message and religion. This is Divine Humanity—the present incarnation of Quetzalcóatl’s Religion.